谁说公有云是主角,混合云才是当下“红人”| 双语
2016-10-12 00:33
文章摘要:公有云容量高、弹性强但安全性差,私有云安全性高、兼容性强且可以定制,但前期成本太高。若想鱼与熊掌兼得,混合云是大势所趋! 作者:T 客汇 杨丽 关键词:混合云,公有云,私有云 网站:www.tikehui.com 从商业创新到降低成本,云计算往往被视为应对这些挑战的有效手段。然而,企业搬上了云端,新的问题就来了

作者:T 客汇 杨丽



此前,亚马逊 AWS 身上所贴的标签一直是「全球最大的公有云供应商」,但是随着越来越多的企业将内部部署的云系统与亚马逊云相结合构建混合云时,AWS 云服务的步调也开始逐渐转移。现在,企业可将内部部署环境与 AWS 云相集成,进行应用程序的迁移和管理。


在此,原文作者 IBM 欧洲部云计算负责人 Sebastian Krause 围绕以上话题,具体分析了存在于企业间的一些共识与误解,并指出采取混合云部署的种种优势。


According to IDC, overall spending on infrastructure for cloud environments will hit $38.2 billion in 2016. It’s clear that whichever way an organisation chooses to adopt cloud services the capability will be there, but getting to that final decision on what type of services the organisation needs can be a complex process.

市场研究机构 IDC 预测,在 2016 年,云环境下搭建基础架构的全年支出将超过 382 亿美元。显然,无论 IT 部门选择何种方式提供云服务,云计算的潜力依旧不容小觑,但想要达到最终目的,选择恰当的云服务方式,中间的纠结过程可能只有自己才能体会。

In the past, the choice of which cloud model to adopt was largely predicated by the business conditions of the industry a company is operating in. For example, private cloud is ideally suited as an entry point for the financial services industry. Private cloud gives the organisation greater control of security and data placement decisions enabling it to comply with the audit requirements of regulators more easily, which is mission critical within the industry.

在过去,云计算的部署方式很大程度上由一家企业所在行业的市场环境所决定。例如,私有云非常适合金融业进行云部署。这是因为,私有云使得 IT 部门在安全性和数据安置上有更强的管控能力,并且能更易于通过监管部门的审核,而这在企业内部往往非常重要。不过,正是由于选择自建私有云平台,因此,企业往往前期投入非常大,需要一次性采购大量软、硬件设备,甚至是数据中心的基础设施架构。

When looking at the pros and cons of public cloud, one benefit of public cloud is the near unlimited scalability. Scaling up or down can be done quickly, giving greater elasticity for unplanned projects or those that expand rapidly without warning. On the flip side, there are concerns surrounding the security and privacy of data due to the number of attacks to the public cloud. The onslaught of attacks to services that are publicly available, which invariably transcend borders is a mounting concern for companies using public cloud.


Yet, businesses are learning that despite previous barriers to the initial adoption of cloud computing technology such as compliance, customisation, utilisation and privacy requirements, hybrid cloud can offer what the business of the future needs in a secure environment. There no longer needs to be a trade-off between public and private.



The hybrid cloud market is growing fast. For the enterprise, hybrid cloud seems the natural evolution from a traditional model, providing huge benefits such as, agility, improved experience, security and compliance and increased innovation.


Markets and Markets published a report last April estimating that the global hybrid cloud market is expected to grow from USD 33.28 Billion in 2016 to USD 91.74 Billion by 2021.

去年 4 月,美国市场调查与咨询公司 Markets and Markets 的一份分析报告显示,全球混合云计算市场有望在 2016 年达到 332.8 亿美元,到 2021 年将突破 917.4 亿美元。

Flexibility and agility


Customer expectations are ever-changing, and as such businesses are under constant pressure to provide continually improving customer experiences. This requires a systematic and iterative approach to capitalising on a range of technologies’ capabilities – meaning fast, agile development is required.


A complete hybrid cloud portfolio enables businesses to place workloads where they make the most sense. An enterprise can align its architecture to take advantage of performance requirements that only dedicated servers can offer. In addition, there is the capability to build upon prior investments in applications and IT infrastructure that an enterprise has already made.

完整的混合云产品组合能方便企业把工作负载搭建在核心平台上。通过调整其云架构,企业可以利用专有服务器服务性能上的优势。另外,混合云还能利用前期企业搭建应用程序和 IT 基础架构时的投入,提升成本利用率。

Security and compliance


A common concern about cloud technology among enterprises is security and multi-tenancy. There is growing business pressure to shift data and processing to the cloud, but with mounting regulatory requirements and in some situations regulatory uncertainty, failure to meet these requirements could have critical business impact.


A hybrid cloud system satisfies these concerns by allowing a business to choose dedicated servers and network devices that can isolate or restrict access and enabling an organisation to choose exactly where data can be placed. Yet, at the same time this can be orchestrated into one, singular, integrated piece of architecture.

混合云的出现打消了这类担忧。在混合云上,企业能够选择隔离或限制访问的专有服务器和网络设备,而 IT 部门能够准确选择数据的存放位置。同时,混合云还能被编排成单个的集成架构。

Speed and experience


Cloud has reached a tipping point and the characteristics of IT investment are shifting. Moving from a situation where each organisation keeps a tight hold on their own data, IT executives are actively researching and investigating ways and platforms to integrate data with digital business partners, an experience which can only be fully realised within a cloud environment.

目前,云计算的变革使 IT 焦点也发生了转移。之前,每个 IT 部门都想牢牢抓住手中的数据,而现在,他们正积极研究,着手将数据集成到数字业务伙伴,而这个过程只有在云环境中才能完全实现。

But, an enterprise cannot rewrite all of its apps for the cloud or take all of its data to the cloud. Making it simple to migrate any existing enterprise data to the cloud to create efficient workflows with partners, yet keep other data if not needed for cloud operations on private servers, is a massive benefit to large corporations.


The speed in which this can be done is what makes moving to a hybrid cloud such an attractive option.




Companies recognise the world is being rewritten in code, as IBM Design general manager Phil Gilbert says, and cloud is the environment in which the new reality can be delivered.

企业已认识到:世界正在以代码的形式被重写,而在云环境中这个新世界才能得以实现,IBM 设计总经理菲尔·吉尔伯特(Phil Gilbert)提到。

Hybrid cloud is being used to make IT portfolio economics work and deliver faster app innovation. For example, DevOps can rapidly create and deploy a new app, microservice or AOI (Add On Instruction) across hybrid cloud that can be scaled up or down. Continuous innovation means being able to access data and analytics to extract deeper insights more quickly than ever before, allowing businesses to get closer to their customers and make smarter decisions in real-time.

混合云使得 IT 组合经济能够运转起来,并且促进 app 创新的步伐。例如,DevOps 在可伸缩的混合云系统上,能够快速构建并部署一个新的 app、微服务或 AOI 附加指令。能够访问到数据并进行数据分析,从而更为快速深入地获取洞察,与此同时,企业能够更贴近客户,及时做出更为明智的决策。这都是持续创新的原生力。

Ultimately, when looking for the right cloud solution there is no one size fits all approach. Every hosting solution is unique, and every customer has requirements that revolve not only around technology, but also around support, financial and business objectives. The debate has moved on. It’s not really a matter of either/or — it’s both. A hybrid cloud provider






