2016-09-01 19:01
文章摘要:转载自:愉悦资本 本文节选自YC的创始合伙人Jessica Livington的博客。在YC工作了11年,一手创立YC并见证了1000多家公司的兴旺和消失,Jessica总结了创业不死的6条法则。恰逢,前几天艾问节目采访,这个回答应该更加直接而全面。 I want to start off today with some per­sonal news. After work­ing on Y Com­bi­na­t
屏幕快照 2016-09-01 下午7.03.54


本文节选自YC的创始合伙人Jessica Livington的博客。在YC工作了11年,一手创立YC并见证了1000多家公司的兴旺和消失,Jessica总结了创业不死的6条法则。恰逢,前几天艾问节目采访,这个回答应该更加直接而全面。

I want to start off today with some per­sonal news. After work­ing on Y Com­bi­na­tor for 11 years, I’m going on sab­bat­i­cal for the next year. I want to focus on some pro­jects and, to be hon­est, I’m a lit­tle tired. YC is one of my fa­vorite things in the world, but it’s also all-con­sum­ing, and it’s hard to work on some­thing all-con­sum­ing for 11 years with­out a break. I also want to spend more time with my sons. They’re 7 and 4 now, and I won’t be able to get these years back. So pretty much right after this con­fer­ence, I’ll be start­ing my sab­bat­i­cal. 

今天,我想先说一下个人消息。在YC工作了11年之后,我明年想去休假。我希望把精力放在一些项目上,说实话,我有点累了。 YC是这世界上我最喜欢的事情之一,但它也很费精力。11年不间断的耗费巨大精力工作是一件很难的事情。我也想花更多的时间与我的儿子们一起。他们一个7岁一个4岁,我将来无法再拥有他们的这个年纪。因此,这次会议结束后,我将开始我的休假。

And that brings us to the topic of my talk. I’m going to tell you what I want you to re­mem­ber while I’m away. I was think­ing about what I wanted YC’s founders to re­mem­ber while I was away, and I re­al­ized that every­thing I wanted to tell them was just as ap­plic­a­ble to all of you. So I’m giv­ing you the exact same ad­vice that I’d give to YC founders. 


1. Make some­thing peo­ple want. 做别人想要的东西

This is YC’s motto, and after 11 years and more than 1000 star­tups, I know we picked the right one. Noth­ing else you do will mat­ter if you are not mak­ing some­thing peo­ple want. You can be the best spokesper­son, the best fundraiser, the best pro­gram­mer, but if you aren’t build­ing a prod­uct that sat­is­fies a real need, you’ll never suc­ceed. 


My ad­vice to those of you who are still look­ing for an idea is to solve a prob­lem that you your­self have. Then you’ll know it’s some­thing at least one per­son re­ally wants. And when you’re part of the tar­get mar­ket, you’ll have in­sights about it that you wouldn’t oth­er­wise. 


But you should grad­u­ate from mak­ing some­thing just for your­self to mak­ing some­thing for other peo­ple as fast as you can. And to know what they want, you have to un­der­stand them. Do they like what you’ve made so far? If not, why not? Talk to your users as much as you can, even if that means doing things that don’t scale early on. I don’t know of a sin­gle case of a startup that felt they spent too much time talk­ing to users. 

但是,你必须尽快的从为自己做东西进入到为其他人做东西。要知道他们想要什么,你必须理解他们。他们是不是喜欢现在的产品? 如果不是,为什么不喜欢?尽可能的和你的用户交谈,即使这意味早期你做的事情都是不能快速扩张的。我不知道有任何一家创业公司会觉得他们在和用户交流上花费了太多时间。

And be open to ad­just­ing your idea, be­cause most good ideas evolve. 


The most fa­mous ex­am­ple of that sort of evo­lu­tion in the YC com­mu­nity is prob­a­bly Airbnb. They started with airbeds on floors for con­fer­ences, then airbeds on floors but with­out con­fer­ences, then ac­tual bed­rooms, then whole places. That final step hap­pened, be­lieve it or not, be­cause Barry Manilow went on tour. His drum­mer was an early Airbnb host, back in the days when the host was ex­pected to be there. One day he told the Airbnbs that Barry was going on tour and could he rent out his place while he was away? The Airbnbs re­ally had to think about it. They were still AirBe­dand­Break­fast back then, not Airbnb, so guests had to get break­fast! But in the end they said yes, and this type of stay is now most of Airbnb’s busi­ness. 

YC的公司里面,关于这种演进最有名的例子就是Airbnb。他们开始目标会议人群分享地板上的充气床,然后分享充气床但不限于会议,然后分享实际的卧室,然后整个房子。这最后一步的发生,信不信由你,是因为Barry要巡演去了。他的鼓手是一个早期的Airbnb的接待人,那个时候,每个房子都有接待人。有一天,他告诉Airbnb Barry要去巡演,能不能他离开的期间把自己的房子全部出租?Airbnb还真的不得不考虑一下。他们那个时候还是AirBedandBreakfast,而不是Airbnb,客人们都是要有早餐的。但是,最后他们还是说可以,而今天这种类型的住宿是Airbnb最主要的业务。

Your users are your guide­post. And the way you stay on the right path in the early stages of a startup is to build stuff and talk to users. And noth­ing else. 


2. Stay fo­cused. 保持专注

One of the most con­spic­u­ous pat­terns we’ve seen among the thou­sand star­tups we’ve funded is that the most suc­cess­ful founders are al­ways to­tally fo­cused on their prod­uct and their users. To the point of being fa­nat­i­cal. The best founders don’t have time to get caught up in other things. 


Here’s a list of things that I see eas­ily dis­tract founders. These are like the startup equiv­a­lent of wolves in sheeps’ cloth­ing. 


  • Grab­bing cof­fee” with in­vestors  和投资者喝咖啡聊天

  • Talk­ing with po­ten­tial ac­quir­ers 与潜在的收购者交谈

  • Net­work­ing 社交应酬

  • Re­cruit­ing boards of ad­vi­sors  寻找公司的顾问

  • Doing a “part­ner­ship,” think­ing it will get you more users  建立一个伙伴关系,希望它带给你更多的用户

  • Spend­ing time on PR be­fore you have made some­thing peo­ple want 还没有做出来人们想要的东西就花时间在公关媒体上

  • Ar­gu­ing on so­cial media 在社交媒体上争论

  • Going to con­fer­ences 参加各种会议

No­tice this list im­plies you shouldn’t be here. Here I am on stage at a con­fer­ence, telling you that you shouldn’t go to con­fer­ences. And hon­estly, as a rule you shouldn’t. That’s why we try so hard to make this con­fer­ence good– be­cause we know that it has to be more use­ful to you than spend­ing the same time build­ing things and talk­ing to users, and that’s a very high bar. 


3. Mea­sure your growth. 度量你的增长

If you do the first two things I told you, make some­thing peo­ple want and focus, you’ll get growth as a re­sult. And that means you can use growth as a test of whether you’re doing those two things. If you have a good growth rate, which in a startup means at least 10% per month, you’re on the right track. And if you don’t, you’re miss­ing at least one of the two in­gre­di­ents I men­tioned. You’re ei­ther mak­ing the wrong thing, or not fo­cus­ing enough. 

如果你做了我讲的前两件事情,做人们想要的东西和保持专注,增长就只是个结果。这意味着,你可以使用增长来测试你是否做了这两件事情。如果你有一个很好的增长速度,对创业公司这意味着至少每月增长10% 那么你就在正确的轨道上。如果你达不到这个速度,你肯定错过了我所提到的两件事的其中之一。你要么做了错误的东西,要么专注不够。

There’s a fa­mous sen­tence we often quote at Y Com­bi­na­tor: You make what you mea­sure. Pick a num­ber you want to grow, and focus on that. The best met­ric to choose is good old fash­ioned rev­enue. There’s no bet­ter test of whether you’re re­ally mak­ing some­thing peo­ple want. 


Fo­cus­ing on growth also pre­vents you from being in de­nial, which is a big dan­ger for startup founders. For some rea­son, a lot of the prob­lems you face in a startup tend to pro­voke de­nial. Maybe it’s sim­ply be­cause these prob­lems are hard. 


Founders who are mak­ing the wrong thing are often in de­nial about it. Founders who are wast­ing their time on inessen­tial stuff are often in de­nial about it. De­nial is the silent killer of star­tups. But if you hold your­self to growth tar­gets, you can’t re­main in de­nial. The num­bers, good or bad, are star­ing you in the face. 


Un­less of course you’re in de­nial about the need to hold your­self to growth tar­gets. And that, be­lieve it or not, hap­pens all the time. We con­stantly hear founders say­ing, “We’re not fo­cus­ing on growth right now.” There are times when that is the right thing to do, but I don’t even need to tell you how things usu­ally turn out after we hear that from founders. 


4. Know if you’re de­fault alive. 知道你缺省是死还是活

Growth isn’t enough, though. You can have a good growth rate and still die, if you run out of money and can’t raise more. 


The crit­i­cal ques­tion is whether you’re what we call “de­fault alive” or “de­fault dead.” De­fault alive means if your ex­penses stay the same and your rev­enue con­tin­ues to grow at the rate it’s been grow­ing, you get to breakeven be­fore you run out of money. De­fault dead means you don’t. 


We now ask all YC founders to begin their in­vestor up­dates to us by say­ing which of the two they are. As well as telling us how the startup is doing, it’s a good way to yank the founders out of de­nial. Be­cause being about to run out of money is an­other of those dan­ger­ous prob­lems founders are often in de­nial about. You’d be amazed how many founders don’t even know whether they’re de­fault alive or de­fault dead. 


5. Keep ex­penses low. 压低开支

Why do star­tups run out of money? By spend­ing too much. And since the main ex­pense in most star­tups is salaries, spend­ing too much = hir­ing too many peo­ple. Over­hir­ing is the big mis­take in the sec­ond phase of a startup, as mak­ing some­thing no one wants is in the first phase. 


I know how dan­ger­ous over­hir­ing is, be­cause YC star­tups con­stantly make this mis­take de­spite us con­stantly warn­ing them against it. 


The prob­lem with over­hir­ing is that it gives you less mar­gin for error. The faster you’re burn­ing through the money you have in the bank, the less time you have to make it prof­itabil­ity. But star­tups, be­cause they’re usu­ally both run by in­ex­pe­ri­enced founders and doing some­thing novel, are ex­actly the type of thing that takes longer to get right than you ex­pect. And that’s a deadly com­bi­na­tion, be­cause if you start to run out of money be­fore you have things work­ing right, you have to raise more dur­ing a phase when the com­pany is an “ugly duck­ling.” Even if you’re on the right track, you look bad right now. And in­vestors don’t like com­pa­nies like that. 


So after you raise money, be very con­ser­v­a­tive about how you spend it. Hire for the pes­simistic case. As­sume it will take longer than you ex­pect to get things work­ing. If there’s one thing you can forsee in a startup, it’s un­forseen prob­lems. 


I con­stantly see star­tups that die even though they’re on the right track, sim­ply be­cause they hired too fast.


6. Fundrais­ing gets harder. 融资变得更难

The rea­son star­tups get so slammed when they have to raise money as an ugly duck­ling is that later rounds of fundrais­ing get much harder. Founders who had a fairly easy time rais­ing a seed round think it will be just as easy to raise a se­ries A. It’s not. 


We often get emails from star­tups say­ing “we’re run­ning out of money, so we’re going to raise a se­ries A now.” As if it were like mak­ing a sec­ond trip to the ATM. And when we ask how they’re doing, the an­swer is usu­ally a com­bi­na­tion of slow growth and high ex­penses. We have to tell them they have no hope of rais­ing a se­ries A and that they’ll have to make dras­tic changes even to sur­vive. 


Se­ries A in­vestors have a to­tally dif­fer­ent at­ti­tude from seed in­vestors. Seed in­vestors are look­ing for promise. Se­ries A in­vestors are look­ing for per­for­mance. They know that all the re­turns from ven­ture in­vest­ing are con­cen­trated in the big win­ners. So they want to in­vest in you only if you are clearly on a path to being a big win­ner. They’ll pay high prices if you are. But if you aren’t, they won’t in­vest at all. So even if you’re on the right path, but still in the mid­dle of con­vert­ing promise to per­for­mance, they still won’t in­vest. To them there’s not much dif­fer­ence be­tween a startup halfway along the right path, and a startup on the wrong path. If they don’t see suf­fi­cient progress, they don’t care why. 

A轮的投资者和种子投资人的态度完全不同。种子投资人寻找希望。 A轮投资者寻找业绩表现。他们知道,所有的风险投资的回报都集中在大的赢家。因此,他们只有清楚的看到你在成为一个大赢家的道路上,才会希望投你。如果你是,他们会付出高价格。但是,如果你不是,他们根本不会投资。所以,即使你是在正确的道路上,但仍处于从希望向业绩的转化过程中,他们仍然不会投资。对他们来说,一个创业公司,是在一个正确道路的中途上,还是在一个错误的道路上,并没有太大的区别。如果他们没有看到足够的进展,他们不在乎为什么。

Conclusion 结语

I’ve made star­tups sound pretty scary so far. I’m sorry, I can’t help my­self some­times, I’ve just seen so much. The good news is, this is a pretty com­plete list. If you avoid all the mis­takes I warn about here, you’ll be in re­ally good shape. If you start by mak­ing some­thing peo­ple ac­tu­ally want, focus on mak­ing users happy, make sure you have a good growth rate and don’t over­hire, you’ll be in a very happy po­si­tion. You will be mas­ter of your own fate in a way that very few peo­ple ever get to be. 




